Come Follow Me
In this study, we will read about how Jesus reached out to others to follow Him.
Matthew, Chapter 4
Setting: After Jesus returned from His wilderness experience, He heard John the Baptist had been put in jail. He left His hometown of Nazareth, and traveled about 15 miles to a seaport city on the Sea of Galilee.
Read Matthew 4: 17
Why is He telling them to do this?
The word repent means to turn away from things which are contrary to God’s ways, and to turn towards ways that are pleasing to God.
Read Matthew 4: 18-20
What is the name of the two fishermen that Jesus called to follow Him.
What does Jesus promise to them?
What does this mean?
Read Matthew 4: 21-22
The next two Jesus called to follow Him were also fishermen.
What were their names?
Now if we switch over to the Gospel of John, we can develop a better understanding of why these fishermen would leave their nets, and their families, and then be willing to follow Jesus.
Read John 1: 29-34
John the Baptist’s role was to precede and prepare the way for Jesus.
What are some things John the Baptist testifies about Jesus?
- vs 29 –
- vs 30 –
- John the Baptist was born before Jesus. So what does John mean when he says Jesus “was before me”?
- vs 32 – Who do you think sent John to baptize with water?
- vs 33 – What will Jesus do regards Baptism?
We will learn more about this when John meets with a Pharisee, named Nicodemus.
- vs 34 – What did John the Baptist testify?
When John the Baptist testifies that Jesus is the “Chosen One”, he is testifying that Jesus is the “One, anointed by God” (this is what “Christ” means). John was testifying that Jesus was and is the long awaited Messiah.
Read John 1: 35-42
Here we see the same account which we previously read in the gospel account written by Matthew. However, the apostle John includes more details that help us to understand that Peter, Andrew, John, and James did not make a rash or impulsive decision to follow Jesus.
What reason does Andrew give to Peter in verse 41?
Read John 1: 43-46
In these verses, we see Jesus calling two more men to come follow Him.
What are the names of these 2 men?
Nathaniel wasn’t impressed that Jesus was from Nazareth. He made that point to Philip. Jesus, as God, understood that Nathaniel needed something extra to believe that He, Jesus, was in fact the Christ / the Messiah.
Read John 1: 47-51
What caused Nathaniel to believe there was something special about Jesus? &
What prophecy does Jesus make in verse 51?
Jesus has called 6 of the apostles. Its interesting to note that at this time they believed He was the Messiah / the Christ / the Chosen One of God, but they did not understand He was and is God. If the Jews had noticed, the Old Testament scriptures revealed that God would “literally” be with them. Their most famous prophet, Isaiah, prophesied:
“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14 NIV)
The word Immanuel translates literally as “God with us”.
Before ending this study, please review Jesus’ promises in verses 50 and 51.
Realize Jesus gives us good reasons to believe He is the Son of Man and also the Son of God. Ultimately we believe by faith. But because God meets us where we are, this faith is often supported by other actions God brings our way.
What do you believe about Jesus? How is God with us?
Types of Questions: Observation Interpretation Application
If you have the Quest Study Bible:
On or about page 1554, in the left column read the sidebar notes titled:
Did Simon and Andrew act impulsively?
Why was Nathaniel suspicious of Nazareth?